The Incredible’s

The Incredible’s are people from a Disney movie who posses powers and they are elastic girl who can stretch  out and there is Mr.Incredible who has super strength and there is frozone who can make shoot ice out of his hands and freeze a lot of things  and the kids are  dash and violet dash is a kid who has super speed and his sister violet can  make things out of plasma she can make a shield and shoot energy out of her hands and then there is jack jack who has multiple powers to many to count. In the equal of the movie the hero’s are forced to live in hiding because they are not wanted because of the villains that have powers are making all the other people who have powers and are good the villains are making them look bad to all the other normal citizens. When a attack to steal all the banks money  happens the hero’s come out to stop the robbery that is way out of the polices hand they do stop the man stealing the money from the bank but to do so they also get themselves in trouble  with the police

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